Your shopping cart

When you shop on and add an item to your cart, it is saved for you to purchase. Items in Your Shopping Cart will remain until they are purchased, removed.
Options in the Shopping Cart:
Review your order. Review the details of your order before you proceed to our secure checkout.
Update order quantity. If you wish to update the order quantity of any item in your cart, simply type the desired quantity.
Remove an item from your Shopping Cart. Select the item and click "Remove" .
Return to shopping. If you wish to continue shopping while viewing your Shopping Cart, click "Continue Shopping." Items in your Shopping Cart will remain until they are purchased or removed. At any time, you may return to your Shopping Cart by clicking "YOUR SHOPPING CART" at the top of any page.
Proceed to secure Checkout. When you are ready to purchase your order, click "Proceed to Checkout " Our checkout process is fast, easy and secure.